Visual Design Global Summit Association Visual Design Global Summit Association


Printed material, which is normally unchanging, can be made to take on new appearances due to the effects of its environment.

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Visual Design Global Summit Association Visual Design Global Summit Association

San Francisco Symphony

Used responsive and variable font technology to add an unexpected contemporary behavior — giving each typographic character the ability to immediately change form in reaction to sound and music.

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Visual Design Global Summit Association Visual Design Global Summit Association


Visualize these infinite possibilities of children with a graphic system that expands freely in the UNIVERSAL GRID that visualizes vertical, horizontal, circular, and planetary orbits.

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Visual Design Global Summit Association Visual Design Global Summit Association


The box designed with a precise structure that holds four sticks per box could not have been realized without the delicate assembly.

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Visual Design Global Summit Association Visual Design Global Summit Association

VISA Debit

For this collaboration with Visa, Caravane offered to create a real handmade sculpture, all shot in camera, instead of using CGI.

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