- Kyoto Global Design Awards -
Best 100
As part of its partnership with the Global Sustainable Association (GSA), the KGDA jury panel selects and nominates every year 100 outstanding designers and design studios, who set trends or contributed significantly to the field of design. The criteria for nomination is based not only on the design features of their projects, but also on their functionality and their approach to emphasizing human well-being and environmental protection. It is KGDA's hope that this recognition will inspire designers and other key industry players to continue innovating and inspiring design enthusiasts throughout the world while remaining committed to developing sustainable design products. A designer or studio that is nominated for KGDA "Best 100" can participate only upon invitation by the committee.
Global Influence & Holistic Impact
The Best 100 by KGDA aims to recognize designs that have a global influence and a holistic impact on society. We honor innovative companies and studios that have the power to shape design trends and push the industry forward.
In line with our values, we prioritize design practices that contribute to the achievement of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By doing so, we promote designs that not only perform well but also have a positive impact on society and the environment. The SDGs serve as a crucial framework for measuring the industry's progress toward creating a better world for everyone.
The Future
of Sustainability
in the Design Field
As a mark of recognition for the significant contributions made in advancing sustainability and promoting social progress, KGDA compiles every year a list of designers/design companies nominated for the "Best 100" category. Through their innovative solutions, the nominees have demonstrated exceptional creativity and dedication to meeting the needs of the present without compromising those of future generations.
We include designers from a variety of fields, including architecture, industrial design, fashion, and graphic design, among others. Their designs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also sustainable and socially responsible because they combine the latest technologies and materials with traditional and indigenous methods.
Their works range from sustainable building designs to products made from eco-friendly materials, fashion designs that promote ethical and sustainable practices, and graphic designs that promote social and environmental awareness. These designers have not only brought innovation to their respective fields but have also made a significant contribution to the global sustainability agenda.

The Contribution of Design to Sustainable Development
KGDA believes that the nominees serve as an inspiration to the design industry and the wider society, as they show that sustainable design can be both functional and visually appealing. In honoring their efforts, we hope to motivate more designers to adopt environmentally friendly and socially responsible practices and to contribute to a better future for all.
The Kyoto Global Design Awards will place a high emphasis on how you approach Sustainable Development Goals in a number of design industry disciplines.

World Outstanding Companies/Designers
The KGDA, in partnership with the Global Sustainable Association (GSA), recognizes the top 100 outstanding designers and design studios every year. The nominees have set trends and made significant contributions to the field of design, with a strong emphasis on functionality, human well-being, and environmental protection.
Jury members evaluate the "Best 100" nominees using rigorous criteria that take into account both the project's design features and its impact on society. Participants in the category “Best 100” are nominated by KGDA’s Committee and its media partners.