
Timeless allure meets contemporary innovation

Within this digital realm, a window unfolds, serving as a canvas to seamlessly blend the outside world with the inside. Through the art of dynamic scrolling, visual elements transform into vivid scenes, evoking the tranquil ambiance of a teahouse window view: from sunrise to sunset, the dance of tree shadows, capturing the ever-shifting moments. Here, one can momentarily escape the urban clamor, finding solace for the soul in a serene sanctuary, and discovering the mountains within.

Fusion of bygone eras and the present

The aesthetic tapestry unfurls a striking tableau, a harmonious juxtaposition of Japanese classical motifs and contemporary elements. The layout employs bold imagery and characters, resonating with the casual opulence exuded by pine, cypress, and ancient artifacts, all while maintaining an air of refined confidence.

Guided exploration through a third-person lens

Embarking from a scenic window perspective, a tapestry of pine trees leads the way, guiding the seeker through an immersive journey of information. With each scroll, the quest descends further, augmented by quintessential elements representing the Satoyama: verdant landscapes, timeless relics, and artful landscaping, to name a few.


Block Studio

Through digital strategy planning and design, we have initiated a corporate brand image revolution in this sector. We continue to invest in dynamic special effects, using the website as a digital design platform to shape the brand image through multisensory interactive experiences.

The vision of Block Studio is to become a pioneer in the field of digital design, crafting digital image experiences for brands.



Client: Grace Life Industrial Corporation Limited

Manufacturer: -

Brand: -

Designer: Block Studio

Country: Taiwan

Photographs: © Block Studio


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