Don’t Miss This Great Opportunity


Let Design Re-Shape the World


Collaboration In This Distinguished International Design Programme

At the 2023 Kyoto Global Design Awards, we aim to transcend conventional boundaries by merging environmental preservation and sustainability. Together, let's propel the Design Awards to unprecedented heights. We invite brands and companies that share our vision to join us in shaping the future of global design aesthetics.  Prepare for an extraordinary and enigmatic journey as we embark on this collective path from a common starting point. Together, we will venture further and unlock new possibilities. Let us forge a groundbreaking proposal for a life infused with aesthetics and extend a warm invitation to all renowned brands to participate in Kyoto Global Design Awards.  

Event Date:
November 15th, 2023

* The team will conduct a preliminary review; please be aware that filling out the form does not guarantee successful registration.

“From Kyoto to the World.
Let Design Re-Shape the World.”

Our Partners

Kyoto Global Design Awards

Taking place in Japan's cultural capital, Kyoto, one of the world's oldest cities with more than a thousand years of history, the Kyoto Global Design Awards celebrates design from all over the world. With its legacy of Japanese history, Kyoto continually innovates and endeavors, bringing together history and modernity. This precious heritage has allowed Kyoto to become not only an important symbol of culture but also a hub for new economic and design development.

Through the Kyoto Global Design Awards, we embark on a journey to seek global talents and encourage designers to increase design value, promote social and commercial exchanges, and make meaningful contributions to a better world. Our aim is to provide a reliable platform that promotes professionalism and quality in design.


  • As a result of sponsorships, partners gain heightened visibility and the opportunity to network with industry professionals and potential clients as well as gain access to new markets, helping your growth and expanding your businesses.

  • In addition to enhancing your visibility and reaching a highly targeted audience of design professionals, KGDA events offer you the opportunity to explore business opportunities in previously untapped markets by aligning your brand and products. By showcasing your company to design industry professionals, you can reach out to potential new customers thus further broadening your network and brand popularity.

  • Through our work, we facilitate knowledge sharing and innovation for a better future by partnering with educational and charitable organizations whose work focuses on the promotion of a cleaner, more fair, and sustainable world.

  • Engage in a mutually beneficial partnership with KGDA to leverage promotional media outlets and enhance both parties' visibility and credibility.

Make it Stand Out


As of 2023, hundreds of outstanding designers worldwide have benefited from recognition given by the Kyoto Global Design Awards.

2022 KGDA Winners of the Category Restaurant/Hotel/Bar - Ace Hotel Sydney

2022 KGDA Winners of Category Trend - THE KNIGHT

2022 KGDA Winners of the Category Industrial - Benni Allan: Low Collection

Start a New Era with Outstanding People

Embrace the brilliance of the Kyoto Global Design Awards. Every year, we uncover exceptional designers from across the globe. When you step onto this stage, you have the opportunity to shine in your own realm of creativity and achievement. Let the Kyoto Global Design Awards be the platform where your brilliance takes center stage.

Our Mission

The Future of Sustainability
in the Design Field

As a mark of recognition for the significant contributions made in advancing sustainability and promoting social progress, KGDA compiles every year a list of designers/design companies. These designers have not only brought innovation to their respective fields but have also made a significant contribution to the global sustainability agenda.


KGDA demonstrates a significant social impact, which is evident not just through its design awards but also through its active collaboration with society. In addition to the achievements in design, KGDA consistently contributes to educational research units and charity organizations.



November 15th, 2023

Kyoto Global Design
Awards Ceremony &
Designers’ Night

Ace Hotel Kyoto - PIOPIKO
17:00-21:00 (GMT+9)

Ace Hotel Kyoto seamlessly integrates Kyoto culture and modern art in both the renovated structure and a new building, offering a stylish, soothing, and comfortable space for an exceptional experience. In collaboration with Kengo Kuma, one of Japan's leading architects, and Los Angeles-based Commune Design, the complex "Shinpu" combines the preservation and extension of the historic building, the former Kyoto Central Telephone Office.


It all starts with an idea. However, the significance of the Kyoto Global Design Awards reaches far beyond a simple award ceremony or a brief glimpse of a project. Its influence has the potential to revolutionize design projects, shaping global design trends and introducing innovative, functional designs that prioritize sustainability, aesthetics, and user experience. By embracing the Kyoto Global Design Awards, we can unlock our limitless potential and pave the way for a brighter future. Join us in this endeavour, and expand your business to new horizons worldwide.