KOOP Industrial Design


FROM VISION TO REALITY: For more than 25 years, KOOP INDUSTRIAL DESIGN stands for high-quality product design focused on medical and laboratory technology. Yet, whilst maintaining a close cooperation with our customers we build a wide range of products. Individual support, as well as the intensive engagement with the particular task, pave the way for successful developments. It is our standard to precisely recognize the ideas and wishes of our customers and to change them into marketable results.

IDEAS TO WORK WITH: In the beginning there is the concept. Its visualisation proceeds by means of CAD and is concretised in our workshop. To guarantee steady control of each development phase we build functional and prototype models. Finally, on the basis of a true-to-scale prototype we present the complete product. Accompanying the development from an idea to market launch is, for us, the foundation of quality.



Country: Germany

Website: koopdesign.de


Selected Projects


Kickie Chudikova


Barbara Casasola